Broadcast Schedule components: Station(s), Dayparts, Lengths, and Rates are pre-loaded by the Station Group Administrator.  Speak with your Station Administrator if you need additional Dayparts, Lengths, and Rates added.

To create a Broadcast Schedule:

1. Select a Station

2. Select a Daypart

3. Select a Length

4. Enter the numeric value of times your Ad will run for each day of the week

Depending on the traffic system used will determine if other field entries are required.

You can continue to build a schedule by repeating the process. You can copy a line item and edit or open a new line item. 

Below is an example of a "no package" schedule. Note: "Period" is None , "#periods" and "Ads/Period is grayed out. "Rate" field is visible. All calculations are based on the rates set by the Station Group Administrator for each daypart selected. 

*With special permissions applied to a user profile, (Allow Account Executive to override daypart pricing and Custom daypart: edit start time, end time, length and rate) a user will have more flexibility when creating schedule line segments.

Below is an example of a "weekly package" schedule. Note: "Period" is weekly, "#Periods" 2 (2 weeks) with no "Rate" field visible. The calculations will be based on the weekly amount entered in the Order Setup.

Below is an example of a "Monthly package". Note: "Period" is Monthly, "#Periods" 2 (2 Months) with no "Rate" field visible. The calculations will be based on the Monthly amount entered in the Order Setup.

*By selecting the copy feature under the action column, you can copy a schedule segment and change only the parts that need updating. (ex: only daypart is changing, but all other components remain the same).

Press the pencil icon to edit your daypart. (ex: you are updating the daypart length, or times ad will run on a particular day)

Below is an example of a "Fixed package" schedule. 

*Note: A user has the ability to change the start and end date on each line segment. (you can change your run dates as long as they are within the original start and end date selected in Order Setup - at top of contract).

To view the Broadcast Schedule by line item click on the calendar icon. This will open a calendar view showing station, and daypart time for each day of the week.

Once you have finished building your schedule, you can view the entire schedule on a calendar view by clicking on the View Calendar at the top of the screen after saving your contract. You will see the Broadcast Schedule segments in blue and the NTR segments in red.  You can view by month, week, or day.